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Accessories for Starkey Hearing Aids

Accessories for starkey hearing aids

In the realm of hearing healthcare, Starkey has emerged as a leading manufacturer for decades, known for its advanced hearing aid technology that seeks to improve the lives of those with hearing loss. While the core focus always remains on designing cutting-edge hearing aids, Starkey has also developed a range of accessories that enhance the performance of their hearing aids, in short enhancing the overall hearing experience for users. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of accessories for Starkey hearing aids, exploring how they augment functionality, convenience, and connectivity and make hearing aid wearers’ life much more enjoyable.

Connectivity and Communication:

Modern and advanced hearing aid accessories are designed to seamlessly integrate into the user’s daily life, making communication and interaction effortless. Starkey offers a variety of connectivity accessories that bridge the gap between hearing aids and the ever-evolving digital world:

strakey hearing control app

Hearing Control App:

Available for both Apple and Android devices, the app connects with compatible Starkey hearing aid machines, enabling users to personalize settings, adjust volume, and manage listening programs through their smartphones. It also tracks body and brain health metrics to provide a holistic perspective on well-being.

TV Streamer:

With the TV Streamer accessory, users can stream audio directly from their television to their Starkey hearing aids. This enhances the clarity of dialogue and sound effects while watching TV or movies, without disturbing others in the room. Your entertainment is never compromised.

Starkey Tv Streamer
starkey remote micphone

Remote Microphone:

The remote microphone accessory acts as an extension of the user’s voice. It streams speech directly to the hearing aids, making conversations in noisy environments or large group settings much more manageable.

Connectivity Beyond Boundaries:

Starkey recognizes the importance of connectivity beyond the confines of one’s home. Their accessories facilitate clear communication in a wide range of scenarios:

Starkey SurfLink Mobile

SurfLink Mobile:

This mobile accessory uses Bluetooth technology to connect Starkey hearing aids to smartphones, enhancing phone conversations by streaming calls directly to the hearing aids for improved clarity.

SurfLink Remote Microphone:

The SurfLink Remote Microphone helps users stay engaged even in challenging listening situations. It can be clipped to a companion’s clothing, and the voice is streamed directly to the hearing aids.

surflink remote microphone

Comfort and Convenience:

In addition to connectivity, Starkey accessories prioritize user comfort and convenience:

Wax Guards

Hearing Aid Accessories:

From wax guards and cleaning kits to battery door retainers, Starkey offers a range of accessories that help users maintain the performance and longevity of their hearing aids.

Charging Solutions:

Starkey’s rechargeable hearing aids are supported by a comprehensive charging ecosystem, including portable charging cases and charging docks, ensuring users always have power at their fingertips.

Starkey Rechargeable Hearing Aid

Personalization and Adaptability:

Starkey accessories are designed to cater to diverse needs and preferences:

custom earmolds

Custom Earmolds:

Starkey offers custom earmolds that provide a snug and comfortable fit. These can be tailored to match the user’s unique ear shape, ensuring optimal performance and comfort in every situation.

Wireless Accessories:

Starkey’s range of wireless accessories includes remote controls and streamers, allowing users to adjust settings and stream audio with ease whenever they need.

starkey wireless accessories
colour custom earmolds

Customizable Styles:

Some Starkey accessories, such as earmolds and cases, are available in various colors and styles, giving users the freedom to personalize their hearing aids to match their tastes. Wearing hearing aids is much cooler than before.

In Conclusion: As the field of hearing aid technology advances, Starkey continues to demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the lives of those with hearing loss. Their range of accessories goes beyond mere add-ons; they are integral components that augment the functionality, comfort, and connectivity of Starkey hearing aids. By embracing these accessories, users can enjoy a more immersive and tailored hearing experience that adapts to their unique needs and enriches their daily interactions in a dynamic, evolving world. At Ear Solutions you not only get the best deals on hearing aid machines offered by Starkey but you also get all these add-on accessories to enhance the quality of your life to the full.

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