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Hearing loss signs

Think you might have hearing loss? You’ve come to the right place.

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Are you experiencing symptoms?

Common signs of hearing loss

Hearing loss can develop gradually over time, and it is often difficult for people to recognize that they have a problem. However, there are a number of common signs and symptoms of hearing loss that can help individuals and their loved ones identify the issue and seek appropriate treatment.

Some common signs of hearing loss include difficulty hearing speech, especially in noisy environments; frequently asking others to repeat themselves; turning up the volume on the TV or radio; difficulty understanding phone conversations; withdrawing from social situations; experiencing ringing or buzzing in the ears; and feeling fatigued or stressed from straining to hear.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to schedule a hearing evaluation with a qualified audiologist. The audiologist will perform a series of tests to determine the extent and type of hearing loss, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Early detection and treatment of hearing loss can help to prevent further damage and improve overall quality of life.

Prevent damage

Once permanent hearing damage occurs, it can’t be reversed.

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What can you do?

Hearing loss is a gradual and normal part of the aging process. However, excessive noise is still the primary cause. Permanent hearing loss can occur almost instantly with unprotected exposure to certain sounds.

To protect yourself from noise:

  • If the sound level at work exceeds 85 dB, reduce the noise level or wear hearing protection.
  • Lower the volume of your television, stereo and iPod. Take special care if you use headphones or earbuds.
  • Be careful not to turn up your car stereo volume too loudly to compensate for noise from the engine or the wind.
  • Wear custom noise filters or solid earplugs if you go to rock concerts or nightclubs, and don’t stand near loud speakers.
  • Wear noise-cancelling headphones or solid earplugs if you use noisy equipment such as drills, lawnmowers, etc.

To avoid damage from foreign objects:

  • Don’t use cotton swabs to clean your ears. Doing so may push wax down onto your eardrum and can increase the production of wax and/or damage the eardrum.
  • Avoid washing with unclean water to prevent ear infections.

What are decibels?

Decibels (dB) measure the intensity of sound: from 0 dB, which is the faintest sound the human ear can detect, to the noise of a rocket during launch, which can exceed 180 dB.

Experts typically consider exposure to more than 85 dB to be dangerous, which means things like motorcycles, headphones and lawnmowers have potential to lead to permanent hearing loss.

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Take Action

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Sooner is better

Many people delay seeking treatment for hearing loss, often because they believe that it is a normal part of aging or because they are embarrassed to admit that they have difficulty hearing. However, the longer someone waits to address their hearing loss, the more difficult it can be to treat.

Studies have shown that untreated hearing loss can have serious negative effects on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their social and emotional well-being. It can lead to increased risk of falls, social isolation, and depression, and can even contribute to cognitive decline and dementia.

On the other hand, seeking treatment for hearing loss as soon as possible can help to mitigate these negative effects and improve a person’s overall quality of life. Hearing aids and other hearing devices can make it easier to communicate with others, stay connected with loved ones, and engage in social activities and hobbies.

In short, if you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, it is important to seek treatment sooner rather than later. The sooner you address your hearing loss, the more effective treatment can be in improving your hearing and overall health and well-being.

Seven reasons to treat hearing loss

Research by the non-profit National Council on Aging concluded that hearing loss treatment is shown to:

  1. Improve earning power
  2. Improve communication in relationships
  3. Improve intimacy and warmth in family relationships
  4. Improve ease in communication
  5. Improve emotional stability
  6. Improve sense of control over life events
  7. Improve physical health
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We Can Help Find a Hearing Professional

If you think you or someone you know has hearing loss, the next step is an easy one — confirm it by seeing a hearing healthcare professional.

Whether you consult with an audiologist, an ENT doctor or a hearing aid specialist, it’s important to see someone who specializes in hearing problems. Seeing a hearing specialist will ensure you will receive a comprehensive evaluation and precise measurement of your hearing loss.

Schedule an appointment today!


Defining Hearing Loss

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Hearing loss is a condition where any individual faces difficulty in hearing either from one ear or both ears. This problem can affect humans anyone regardless of their age. Hearing loss can range from mild to profound.

Due to hearing issues, your communications can be affected. It can also impact your social interactions and overall quality of life.

If hearing loss is ignored, then it can worsen over time. Early detection and intervention are crucial for effective management and to limit the effects on daily living.

What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss?

There are three main types of hearing loss which are conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss.

Conductive Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss occurs when sound waves are unable to pass through the outer or middle ear, often due to blockages or infections.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This hearing loss results from damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve, commonly caused by ageing, noise exposure, or genetic factors, and is typically permanent.

Mixed Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, requiring a multifaceted approach to treatment that addresses both underlying causes.

What Are The Signs Of Hearing Loss?

Some of the common symptoms of hearing loss are difficulty in understanding speech, especially in noisy environments, frequently asking others to repeat themselves, and turning up the volume on electronic devices like smartphones or TVs.

Besides that, some individuals may also experience a ringing or buzzing sound in their ears which is defined as tinnitus, The person dealing with hearing loss or tinnitus may begin to avoid social interactions due to difficulty following conversations.

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What Can Be The Causes of Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can be caused due to multiple factors that include ageing, which leads to the gradual decline of hearing ability, and prolonged exposure to loud noises, which can damage the inner ear’s hair cells.

Your genes also play a significant role in your hearing health. Also, infections, ear infections can damage the ear structures, while certain medications are known to be ototoxic. Not only this, but physical trauma to the head and medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension can also lead to hearing loss.

Hearing Loss in Children

Children can also have hearing loss that can impact their speech, language development, and educational progress. Some children may experience hearing issues from birth or it can be acquired due to factors such as infections, exposure to loud noises, or certain medications. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss in children is crucial to eliminate delays in language understanding and social skills development.

You can meet an expert audiologist at the Ear Solutions hearing aid clinic near you who can diagnose the degree of hearing loss in your child. Our certified audiologist can help you find the best hearing aids for children to deal with hearing issues.

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Hearing Loss in Senior Citizens

The most common age group that deals with hearing loss is senior citizens. Hearing problems can make it difficult for older adults to understand speech, especially in noisy environments. Age-related hearing loss can lead to social isolation, depression, and cognitive decline if left unaddressed.

With the help of hearing aids, seniors can deal with hearing issues pretty well. Book a free appointment and Meet our experienced audiologist in your city who can help you find the best hearing device that suits your hearing needs and preferences.