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Tinnitus : Symptoms, diagnosis & its technical solution

Our world is alive with sound. Laughter, unforgettable melodies, waves breaking on the shore – all these sounds enrich our lives and are literally music to our ears, lifting our mood. However, what happens when one sound suddenly takes control?

When tinnitus calls the tune:

Tinnitus is noise that originates from within the ear and affects one or both ears. Although there is not presently a cure for most cases, there are ways of finding relief. These pages aim to help patients come to terms with a tinnitus diagnosis, informing them about how to actively address the complaint, and helping them to control tinnitus and not be controlled by it.

Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease.

Tinnitus is an indication of problems in the sound-processing system and can be linked to a range of very different disease patterns. Most tinnitus sufferers are also hard of hearing.

Tinnitus diagnosis

Because tinnitus is perceived differently by each sufferer, an exact diagnosis is essential. The first step: establishing whether the case can be medically treated or not. To do this, your doctor may conduct ENT, dental, orthodontic and orthopedic examinations. The pitch and volume of the tinnitus can be determined by special diagnostic tests, and a hearing test can reveal whether hearing loss is also involved.

Technical Solutions

Hearing instruments

Wearing hearing instruments often both improves hearing and alleviates tinnitus. Because if you can hear better, you can also ignore tinnitus better. Hearing instruments amplify ambient sound and pass it on to the ear. This enables wearers to better focus on the noises, sounds, and tones around them. As attention is placed on pleasant hearing impressions, the scope of tinnitus is reduced. In many cases, users scarcely or don’t hear the tinnitus at all as soon as the hearing instrument is switched on.Siemens hearing instruments with tinnitus function

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