
Category Archives: Hearing Loss

Know Everything About Hearing Aids

bte hearing aids

Hearing is a remarkable sense that connects us with the world around us. Our hearing allows us to experience the beauty of music, engage in authentic conversations, and pay attention to everything around us. But what if someone’s hearing gets impaired? The response is that he or she will become isolated from society and the […]

An Overview of Hearing Loss and it’s Types

types of hearing loss

Hearing loss is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is estimated that approximately 466 million people have some form of hearing impairment, and this number is expected to rise to 900 million by 2050. While hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, exposure to loud noises, […]

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

The most common symptoms of hearing aids are different from person to person and are also based on contrasting circumstances you are going through. Yet this symptoms of hearing loss comprises the following:   Even if you feel one or more of the signs then it’s the true time to get yourself medically evaluated. It’s the […]

Tinnitus : Symptoms, diagnosis & its technical solution

Our world is alive with sound. Laughter, unforgettable melodies, waves breaking on the shore – all these sounds enrich our lives and are literally music to our ears, lifting our mood. However, what happens when one sound suddenly takes control? When tinnitus calls the tune: Tinnitus is noise that originates from within the ear and […]

Hearing loss and deafness, not the same


It is important to distinguish between hearing loss and deafness, as hearing loss is categorised into various levels a while deafness is inability to detect sound. Hearing loss is the reduced ability to hear sounds, deafness is the complete loss of understanding speech even with the help of amplification device. Hearing loss categorisation Mild loss […]

Importance of Acclimatization for Hearing Aid Users


It’s Time to Take the Next Steps It was estimated that hearing loss is most frequent disability, affecting more than 250 million people in the world. The impact of hearing disability is seen on emotional and behavioral wellbeing, social participation, quality of day to day life and employment status. The impact of hearing loss on […]

Why hearing is important to speech and language development?

why hearing important

The ability to hear well affects more than our ability to communicate including vocabulary and sentence structure, academic achievement, social interaction and career choice. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, there are four major ways in which hearing loss affects children: It causes delays in speech and language skills The language deficit results in lower […]

How hearing loss may affect your life

how hearing loss affects life

Hearing loss can have a big impact on a person’s quality of life, both physically and emotionally. Hearing loss has been linked to stress, depression, loneliness, reduced job performance, and reduced physical and mental health. Adults Adults with hearing loss are less likely to take part in social activities and more likely to feel depressed […]

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